
The consequences on the environment

While the totality is approaching

About 15 minutes before the beginning of the totality, the sky's aspect is remarkable : It's darker, animals start fidgeting : chickens go in their henhouse, birds start to chirp, dogs bark,.... 10 minutes before the totality, it's possible to observe "flying shadows". This phenomenon can be observed on a white wall, or piece of paper by undulations. This comes from the passage of the light emitted from the Sun's small crescent, that goes through the atmosphere in colder and warmer spots. It's not easy to observe them though because they are of a very weak intensity. 2 minutes before the totality, the sky grows darker and darker. The bright planets and stars become visible.

The totality

The temperature slowly decreases by a few degrees but the air's humidity increases. the strangeness of the darkness makes the landscape look scary. It's cold, the wind can suddenly arise. People, as the animals act strangely.

After the totality

During the minutes that follow the totality "night" becomes day. Birds fly around, Chickens emerge from their short night and dogs calm down. A few minutes after the end of the totality, it is again possible to observe the "flying shadows". the temperature goes back up and the air's humidity goes down.

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